Search Results for: infinite scroll

15 Best jQuery Mobile Plugins to Use in 2017

This article includes some of the best jQuery mobile plugins which we feel are best and useful for creating mobile websites. You can use these plugins to create mobile sliders, touch events, galleries, scroll effects …

15 Best jQuery Selectbox Plugins

If you are bored with default and old html selectbox and want to change it to new one then the following jQuery selectbox plugins might help you out. These plugins are easy to use and …
jquery social sharing plugin

18 Facebook Style jQuery Plugins

Facebook is huge social media platform that helps people to connect each other. Facebook has more than 1.7 Billion active user worldwide. Facebook provides awesome functionality likes emoticons, chat interface, photo sharing, games, infinite scrolls …

25 Responsive jQuery Image Gallery Plugins

Today, responsive design has become number one choice for designers and developers, as more and more people want their websites to run on smart devices. Responsive design draws mobile user’s attention and helps you to …

10 Best jQuery Pinterest Plugins

If you are looking to create Pinterest like layout for your website then the following jQuery pinterest plugins can help you out. Pinterest is very popular website and many designers have adopted the same design …

20 Best jQuery Plugins for Your Next Projects

jQuery plugins give wings to developers as they provide myriad of features for optimizing websites easily. jQuery is a great programming language which has plethora of features and compiled for simplifying the client-side scripting of …